Monday, October 24, 2011
Well I decided to wake up early this morning, went across the hall to take a shower, and the rain was so loud I could hear it while taking a shower. The hot water was running out, so I decided it was about time to get out of the shower…good thing. When I got back to the room the rain had just started coming through the ceiling. I ran over to my bed because it was coming down where my laptop, phone and ipod were laying by the head of my bed. I put them someplace safe. The water kept coming in and so before my sheets got too wet I took them off of my bed. The water then started flowing to my bags on the floor, so I picked up my backpacks and put them on the desk. Then it headed towards my bags on the floor, so I picked them up and took them out of our room. When the rain stopped, I had a bucked full of water on my bed, and about 3 inches of water on the floor, and a very wet room. It was an exciting morning to say the least.

This is the hallway full of our stuff, however, it all had to be moved because the hallway filled up with water as well!
The "broom" we used to help sweep out all of the water, and let me tell you, there was a lot!
And do I really have to explain all of the ones above...rain...lots of it!
Everyone was so helpful and then all came and helped us get the water out of the upper floor of the hospital, I was so grateful for all of their help! Now the process of drying everything out when its almost 100% humidity. All of our electronics and sheets we put in Bill and Trixys dry room. This morning was crazy!
Helen is so sweet and let me tell you she worked hard at helping us get the water out of our room! Thanks to her and many others we got it all out!
After cleaning up we headed over to the clinic. Today was such a good day in the clinic. I got to do an ultrasound with Trixy on a woman that was 40 weeks pregnant, I learned so much, I was able to find the placenta, the spine of the baby, the heart, the head as Trixy performed the ultrasound. Since it was Monday the clinic was super busy Mary and I took some people and did histories and physicals. We spoke with one guy today and after examining him we said that he needed to get a malaria lab done along with the white blood cell count. When then cleared it was Trixy and she said that was good. We got the labs back, scanty for malaria and WBC of 6800. He also had nerve pains in his finger. We then wrote out everything that he needed to take and we got it pretty much spot on. Trixy changed one thing, but that was it. Mary and I felt so accomplished!
We also saw a lady whose heart was not working well at all, and I believe she had already had a heart attack; she really needs to see a cardiologist, however there isn’t one in Buea which makes it difficult. In order for her to get better, she actually needs to be admitted to a hospital, so we had a little prayer with her. Also we had a the cutest little boy come back to the clinic for a check up and he was feeling so much better, he was running, giggling and everything, it was so good to see him feeling better!
After work, Bill took all of us to the bank and showed the new girls around town. We also went to Clerk’s Quarters (pronounced Clarks), and loaded up on the Mambo bars here, which are chocolate. We then headed to the gas station and I got some coffee, it was so good! Then we headed back to the clinic.
When we got back we went to grind some soybeans to make some soy milk. When we went to grind them I took a picture and the guy got super pissed I took a picture without asking, I was kinda like whatever. On our way back from grinding, a little baby of 3 weeks came by to get a breathing treatment but the clinic was closed, so Mary and I administered it to her.
This cute little guy was sitting on the sidewalk at Clerk's Quarters!
Haha, sorry bud, I was actually taking a picture of you!
This is Tabby and Sarah in the process of making some delicious soy milk!
The 3 week old baby that has been getting numerous breathing treatments! Please pray for her!
We then roasted some groundnuts, and took them over to Bill and Trixys, we also made some potato chips at their place and finished Foyles War. Then as I was about to leave I went and grabbed my sheets and shoes out of the dry room. Instead of picking up my shoes, I decided to put them on…without shaking them out…bad idea. So as I slipped my shoe on there as something hard on my foot, no less then 1 second I was out in the hall screaming, there was a COCKROACH in my shoe!!! Thanks to Mary she came and killed it for me! It was disgusting! I learned from this experience to always shake out your shoes before putting them on! I then went up to the room, Put some things away and called it a night. Today was crazy, but it turned out to be a good day, the Lord is amazing!
PS Sorry mom, it took me forever to get this up, but I hope you enjoy ;) lol love you all!