Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 9

Friday, October 14, 2011

Well today was super interesting in the clinic, I got to work in the lab with Poclaire today. I learned a lot and it was fun because I got to get in there and do some of the lab work with him. We do a lot of malaria testing and today we had a ton of pregnancy tests! There are all different types of labs that can be conducted, but the main one is malaria. So what happens is you draw the blood put it on the slide, allow it to dry, then you stain it, again allowing it to dry then you look for infected red blood cells under the microscope. It was a ton of fun and I learned a lot. However, there are other tests that are much different than that, where you have to use the serum in the blood using a positive and negative control, which again is quite interesting.
After work, we went for a walk down to the bread store, when we came back we hung out, and Bill and Trixy invited us over for supper, we had carrot gnocchi, turned out really well. Bill also made some popcorn, which was kind of a treat. We visited with them and then worked on a puzzle and called it a night. Today was a good day. We also finally got our stove hooked up, yah!
We finally have our stove hooked up, we can cook for ourselves now!

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