Wednesday – Day 1
The alarm finally rang at 5 a.m. Alyssa and I got out of the single bed we shared that night and got our things ready. (Just a side note: single beds don’t work for two people who like to sleep “spread eagle” and roll around throughout the night). After enjoying a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and some coffee that Alyssa made, we got our third person, Kim (a new German friend we met), and headed off with Bill to meet our guide and porters.
Upon our arrival, our guide, Vitalis, and the other porters greeted us and took our packs. Alyssa, Kim, and I each had our own daypacks filled with snacks, water, and some light clothing. However, they weighed no where near as much as our other backpacks that were filled with our sleeping bags, even more water, and more miscellaneous items that we females think we need but never use. After a little bit more chit-chat and organizing, we finally headed off on our two day adventure.
The first part of the hike was not that bad. We hiked passed some plantations, farms, cows, and then finally entered the rain forest. During this time, I was starting to think that maybe this adventure wouldn’t kill me after all. We chatted and had a spritely gait to our walk. We even thought that we could pick up the pace a little; however, Vitalis advised us to walk slower and “conserve” our energy. We obviously did not know what was ahead.
As we entered the rain forest, I was continually amazed with the surrounding vegetation and noises we heard. It was definitely very enchanting to pass through and so beautiful! We took some pictures here and there, and after about 1.5 hrs we made it to Hut 1—our first official rest stop.
After our break at Hut 1, we headed off to the intermediate hut. During this leg of the hike, we finally exited out of the rain forest and started the “real” uphill journey up the mountain. This portion of the hike consisted of previously burnt off face of the mountain. This left a good amount of ash and dust to walk on. On our way to the intermediate hut, each of us kind of set our own pace. Much to my surprise, I was going a lot faster than I thought I could. I think my main goal was to get to the intermediate hut as fast as possible. However, this foolish action would lead to my near demise later on. After reaching the intermediate hut, we gobbled down on some snacks and took a break that was definitely too short (for me).
After stretching and doing everything in my power to relieve the cramps, we decided to move on to our final destination for the day—Hut 2. As we started walking again, I started experiencing extreme tightness in my quads and more cramping. I tried to push through it, but ended up bending over, holding my legs, and hobbling like a cripple. At least it made everyone else laugh. There came a point where I just couldn’t walk anymore, and to further my pain, Mr. “Charlie Horse” decided to come pay a visit to my calf. It was a great time. One of the porters tried massaging out my tight quads, but that was even more painful. I remember thinking to myself, this is it. I’m the one who wanted to climb this bloody mountain and now I can’t even climb it. Perfect. Anyway, to make an already long story short, I rested and was finally able to make it to hut 2 with the group.
*On a side note, let me tell you about the bathrooms. If there was every a time for a person to work on their “aim”, this was the time. I wasn’t expecting a gold toilet, but I just couldn’t bring myself to use these porter potties. Even though I had to go, whenever I would walk near one, I suddenly lost the urge to purge. Thankfully I was able to find a random bush and nourish nature with whatever nutrients I had excreted. However, let me tell you…Alyssa probably “went” 10 times during our stay at Hut 2. She was amazing. I’m sure her aim was perfected before we left, because she was brave enough to squat over the hole in the presence of bees and spiders…minus the one time she went out in the bush.
What a day.
~ Lizzy
~ Lizzy
Lizzy and I stretching out before the long hike up to Hut 2!
The three of us with our porters watching the sun come up!
The beautiful sunrise the first day of the hike, so amazing
The mountain side we climbed up
Our break at Intermediate Hut, now to magic tree!
The delicious plantain chips that our cook made!
The cave we hiked to after dinner
Hut 2, this is where we spent the night, the huts are pretty neat, I must admit!
The beautiful view from Hut 2, it was an amazing sunset and an amazing view!
All cuddled up and ready for bed!
Thursday – Day 2
5:15 am finally rolled around and we were awaken by our guide, I believe. Kim apparently hadn’t slept well either. Alyssa and I learned that the porter sleeping next to Kim kept snuggling up against her. Haha. Alyssa, on the other hand, managed to get some sleep during the night and no complaints were heard from her end. After getting ready and eating a small breakfast consisting of bread, chocolate, cheese and tea, we were finally ready to begin our journey to the summit.
On our way down, the winds continued to try and sway us off the path. Eventually we met up with the Peace Corps group who was on their way to the summit. We high-fived them as we ran down the trail to Hut 3. We arrived at Hut 3 around 20 mins later. While resting at Hut 3, the last water bottle was emptied and thus our next source of water would be at Hut 2, where our porters were waiting for us.
The hike down from Hut 3 to Hut 2 was definitely not as quick as the hike from the summit to Hut 3 was. Our initial excitement to get down the mountain was quickly diminished as the hot African sun beat down on our dehydrated bodies. I remember stumbling several times like a drunkard and barely catching myself from an embarrassing fall. Alyssa and Kim apparently didn’t have as many stumbles as I did and to maintain what dignity I had left, I tried not to stumble as much. Didn’t work. At least my reflexes were cat-like and no serious tumbles were taken from my end. After about 1.5 hrs or more, we finally reached Hut 2. By that time our knees were aching pretty badly, we were dehydrated, and us girls started to get a little grumpy because we still had to get all the way down the mountain. The hardest part was still yet to come.
At Hut 2, we were able to lie down and rest for a little bit. I actually remember falling asleep on the wooden boards that I tossed and turned on the night before. After what seemed liked 2 minutes of a break, Vitalis was ready for us to head down back to our starting point. I remember thinking to myself, there’s no way my knees and tight right leg are going to make it down the steepest part of the mountain. I believe I have failed to mention that the steepest part of the mountain was from Hut 2 down past the Intermediate Hut, where that particular face of the mountain was burnt off and left down to ash, dust, and exposed rocks. After some last minute stretching, we were off.
Inch by inch, we made it to the Magic Tree. After a quick break, we inched ourselves slowly down to the Intermediate Hut. It amazed me to think of runners running down this terrain. I imagined myself trying to do the same, but the resulting image left me ended up rolling down the hill like a tattered soccer ball. Crazy. As we slowly made our way down, the sun was beating intensely on our front sides and I was glad that at least I was getting a good tan out of this. After finally reaching the Intermediate Hut, we gobbled down on some bread, which now had a good amount of dirt sprinkled on it. What’s a little dirt anyway? I figure this was a good instance to use the excuse “this is Africa” to help me consume the bread, which I (and Alyssa and Kim) did so quickly.
After our break at Intermediate Hut, we met up with 2 Swiss-French backpackers we had met the day before. These ladies didn’t make it to the summit and had thus started the climb down. Apparently one of them just couldn’t walk anymore and their guide could not carry her down the mountain. Just as a side note, the guides that take people up and down the mountain are expected to be able to carry their tourist(s) down the mountain in case of an emergency. So, our guide, Vitalis, offered to help her and he carried her down the rest of the mountain on his back. He was even running down the mountain with her. It was seriously amazing. As if running up and down the mountain isn’t crazy enough, he could do it with an extra 130lbs on his back! It still baffles me to even talk about it. (pictured above, our guide carrying the girl)
As we made our way down to Hut 1, our pace quickened as we exited out of the steepest part of the mountain and made our way down to the rain forest. After reaching Hut 1 in good time, we rested for about 10 minutes and decided it was time to finish off the hike for good!
After finally getting back home, we took nice long showers and prepared some din din. I really don’t remember much after the hike because I was just so tired and focused on getting a shower.
What a crazy, but fun-filled two days. Day 1 consisted of about 5 hrs of hiking, while Day 2 consisted of almost 10 hrs of hiking up to the summit and all the way back down. Phew! I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to climb Mt. Cameroon with my best friend, Alyssa, and my newfound friend, Kim. It is definitely an experience I will remember forever.
~ Lizzy
The view from Hut 3
Lizzy and I with our guide on top of the world
The amazing clouds on the way down!
We made it...all the way up and all the way back down! It was a rough couple days!
I so love that you are experiencing the natural beauties in whatever place you find yourself. You are discovering the soul of the country that so many people who visit miss. I wish I could be there with you. You go girls!
ReplyDeleteGail Redberg
Way to go girls! I'm proud of you, I'm sure it was beautiful site that will be with you forever! God is amazing!
ReplyDeleteLizzy and Alyssa! I'm so impressed, this sounded intense!!! I seriously loved reading this... it reminded me of some of the things in India, such as the scary bathrooms and sketchy tea cups etc...haha! It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun on your adventure. Miss you guys.