Thursday, December 29, 2011
Well today is a sad day…Lizzy leaves this evening. This morning we woke up somewhat early and Lizzy started packing to head home. I felt like we had lots to do today before she left because I needed to go get things to send home with her. Lizzy pants that she got yesterday were so awesome that I decided I wanted a pair just like hers! While Lizzy was busy packing I decided it would be a good opportunity for me to go get a pair of pants made just like hers, so that’s what I did. I walked down to Sandpit with Kim and we got measured and asked to have a pair of pants made just like our friends.
When we got back Lizzy was still busy packing, so I decided I would go down to the Total Station in Molyko and get some Cameroonian Coffee to send home to my family. So kim and I left and went down there. When we got back we hung out and helped Lizzy with packing and I cleaned up the room a little bit since it was a disaster with 3 of us in there. Bill came up to see if we wanted to up to the Campost to get my package, so we all piled in and went up there.
On our way back Bill stopped at Camtel and we got out and walked up to a guy who was selling jerseys because we couldn’t decide whether or not to go to Muea market or not. Since this guy’s jerseys were way over priced we decided to go to market, but quickly because we were running out of time. When we got to market we went straight to where the jerseys were, we found one and I bought it. We then went to find some pepe and we asked some lady if she knew where we could find it and we asked for “wet pepe” and she thought we said “white pepe” anyways she didn’t understand so we just thanked her and headed back to the compound. I also tried looking for a jar of peanuts, but I couldn’t find any.
When we got back from market we dropped at Sandpit and we went to find some nuts, I knew just the place. We got one jar of roasted peanuts and one jar of sweet peanuts. We headed back to the house. We finished packing up Lizzy. We had a hard time deciding, but we decided to go grab a spaghetti omelet before we left. When we finished we came back and finished packing, showering and getting ready to head to Douala.
Pascal and his “brother” showed us around 3:30. As we were walking out the door Prosper stopped us and asked to have a prayer for us. After praying I was holding back tears, but I couldn’t hold them back any longer, I was crying before Lizzy even left the compound. Lizzy said her good-byes to everyone and we got in the car and headed to Douala. Kim was going to come with but we decided she probably shouldn’t because she didn’t have her ID.
There were two guys in the car and I asked, “so you are Pascals brother?”, and the guy in the passenger seat said he was….I was so confused. We stopped at Mile 17 and they asked for our ID’s, I was still very confused. Anyways Pascal then came over and said that his brother would take us safely to Douala. We were now on our way to Douala.
On our way we got stopped at one of the checkpoints and the guy asked for our ID”s so we gave it to him. We then went on our way; we made it to Douala by 5:15 and left Buea around 4:00. Usually it takes 2 hours to get there, I was a little scared at times.
We left for the airport just a little before 8. When we got to the airport I took Lizzy in. As she went through the doors and I was saying good-bye, I started crying like a little baby, I didn’t want to see my best friend leave me, we had such a good time together and I was really going to miss her! I watched her check in and everyone saw me crying. One lady came up to me and told me she could come back out when she was finished. The lady watched her and told me when she was finished. When Lizzy got done, I told her to come back out, so we hugged and she held me while I cried. It was very hard to let go of a familiar face. She was then on her way, I am going to miss her so much!
We left the airport. On the way back we picked up an older couple and took them to Tiko. I must admit, its pretty freaky driving in Cameroon at night. I was a little scared at times. We made it back safe and sound, maybe with an increased heart rate on my end, but thank God we made it safely. When I got back I was so tried and sad, I went straight to bed. Goodnight everyone! Lizzy I miss you lots already! I missed you before you even left!
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