Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 98 - Beautiful People

 Wednesday, January 11, 2012

During worship this morning the phone was ringing towards the end and it kept ringing, the person was very persistent. It was our patient from yesterday who was in preterm labor. She called to tell us that her membranes ruptured. I’m not sure what will happen, but whatever the outcome I pray that the Lord will comfort her!
Today felt busy, but we really weren’t very busy.  We saw several babies today, along with a few older people. The people here are so beautiful! The kids are adorable, especially t the ones that are easy to examine and don’t cry when you touch them. This one old lady came back with her results today and she had an enlarged spleen, so we wanted to palpate it, it was definitely enlarged.
Today I examine two little babies and they were both very good, they were little angels, so adorable! Both were very happy. I saw another little girl today who was very big, childhood obesity, very cute, but she gave us a few laughs because she was not very cooperative. It was so sad, we examined a little girl today who had many malaria parasites in her blood, so I asked Trixy if this girl was lethargic and she said that she could be consider lethargic. This girl couldn’t even sit up on her own, she was very very sick. She had malaria, jaundice and I’m sure she had anemia, hopefully not severe enough for a transfusion, but we sent her up to the General Hospital for admission.
We saw another patient near the end of the day who was “10 weeks pregnant” and was having some bleeding. So she came in to do an echography. On the echo, we found no fetus, but after looking it up we found a molar pregnancy. The patient felt like she was pregnant, but there is no pregnancy, it is very interesting you should read about it. But I ask that you all pray for her and she decides what to do, whether to stay her or leave her large family and go back to America to get it taken care of.
After work today one of our neighbors brought over his French students and we practiced doing histories on them so they could get a chance to practice their English. The person I worked with did very well; I was impressed.
We finished around 5:30. I relaxed in my hammock and then Sarah and I went up and got beans and puff puff for dinner. Again one thing was missing, Lizzy. We ate dinner down at Bill and Trixy’s, visited with for a bit then came back up to the room. I caught up in my blog then called it a night. Before going to bed I gave my grandma a call to let her know I was thinking of her and praying for her. Please pray for my grandma as well, she is going in for hip surgery tomorrow.

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