Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 70 & 71

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wow, I’m sorry, I am so far behind.
So to give you an update! Today we went out to Kingston School and watched the Christmas Program that they put on! When we got there we took a tour inside the school and the kids just came and surrounded us and hugged us and told me how much they like my blonde hair. During the program, which was slightly unorganized and started an hour late, the kids were dancing and singing, it was adorable. The parents would go to the stage and throw money at the kids dancing up there. The kids there were out of control, it is so much different than in America, but it was an amazing experience! The kids were adorable, the people were so sweet, and the program was wonderful and just like I said before, an AMAZING experience.
When we got back to the clinic we basically did nothing in the clinic, but that’s alright. We went up to the church for the evening program where Mary spoke of the importance of exercise. When came back, hung out and went to bed.
The Christmas Program out at Kingston School, it was absolutely amazing!

Cutest albino that was dancing during the program!
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Not a whole lot happen today, Sarah and Tabby worked on baking somethings for Trixy’s birthday. We saw a ton of patients in the nurse clinic today and we were super busy. I then worked on preparing my talk for the evening speaking of the importance of sunshine. I practiced it a little bit, while everyone worked on making tortillas along with decorating the cake and making props.
I was a sun for my presentation this evening. It was a relief to get it over with. After the program, we walked back. Visited with Surreal a sweet girl that we met and then when we got back we celebrated Trixy’s birthday with chilly, tortillas and cake. We relaxed and then went to bed. Happy Birthday Trixy!
P.S. Lizzy comes tomorrow and I am so excited!!!!
Trixy's birthday cake

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