Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 79 - Rest day!

Friday – 12/23

            Today, Alyssa and I had the privilege of sleeping in. Once we awoke, getting out of bed was a struggle because our legs and especially our knees were aching and crazy sore. Hobbling around like old ladies was probably an amusing sight for those who didn’t know we had just climbed Mt. Cameroon. After taking a nice shower and eating some breakfast, it was time to do a little laundry. I curiously watched Alyssa as she dumped some of her soiled clothes into a large bucket and fill it with hot water and soap.  She then proceeded to move the clothes and work the soap into them, and then finally let them sit for a little while. After letting them sit, she rinsed out the clothes, wrung out the excess water, and then piled the damp clothes into another bucket. Then she took the clothes down to Bill and Trixy’s backyard to hang dry.
            Now it was my turn.  Thankfully, Alyssa helped me through the process. After the whole process of only washing clothes once, I am again amazed at the things Alyssa has so easily adapted to. If it were up to me, I would probably do laundry once every month (if that).
            Throughout the day, we relaxed and also enjoyed a nice lunch that consisted of top ramen. Even though I have only been here for a week, top ramen never tasted so good. On a side note, today is day 10. I started my travels in Walla Walla on Wednesday 12/14. Ever since then I have not had a good B.M. I for sure thought that by the time we climbed Mt. Cameroon, something would have come out. Didn’t happen. Now I was getting worried. Earlier today I took a stool softener (given to me by Mary) and ate some papaya that Alyssa so graciously prepared for me. About an hour or two after eating the ramen and drinking some more water, I finally felt the urge to really use the rest room. To cut out the extra information, I made myself “comfortable” in the restroom for about 20 minutes. After doing the dirty deed, I walked out feeling like a new person. My walk was lighter (literally) and my worries were lifted. I couldn’t help but tell everyone that I had finally let it out. It was then that I knew today would be a good day.
            Evening time rolled around and we all got ready to go to dinner at a friend’s house in Limbe. Once we finally arrived at hour hosts’ house, we realized that this wasn’t just any house. The house was surrounded by a large gate with large doors. Once the doors opened, we were able to see the house, and let me tell you, this house was the biggest house any of us girls had seen – period. There were columns and marble floors running outside. The interior of the house was beautiful. Marble floors and a beautiful interior design left us in continuous awe of the exquisiteness of this house. Outside was beautiful as well. There was a yard with tables and two beautiful trees. It was the perfect setting for a perfect dinner that evening. The hosts’ greeted us and we were eager to see what was in store for dinner. There was even a butler who brought out ICE cold drinks. This was the first time I had ever drank anything that cold, and I definitely felt like I was in heaven.
            After snacking on some chin chin (a fried African delicacy) and conversing with our hosts, we found out that our hostess was a pharmacist and her husband an electrician who has his own business. Once the food was finally ready, the butler brought it out and set it on a table outside. We were eager to dig in. Dinner was amazing! There were African dishes, fruit kabobs, and there was even some grilled chicken that Alyssa and I tried. Everything that night was delicious. However, I do recall eating too much pepe (a spicy pepper sauce) with one of the dishes and had a hard time recovering. Other than that, we stuffed ourselves and definitely had to loosen the belt buckles. I have been loving the new African flavors that I have been privileged to try since my arrival.
            After some more conversing, it was finally time to go. We thanked our hosts and the guard ushered us out. All of us couldn’t stop talking about how big the hosue was, the butler and the guard, and how nice our hosts and their family were! It was definitely a great way to welcome in the Sabbath.

 ~ Lizzy

 The beautiful home we ate supper at!

All of us girls in their beautiful yard!

 Our hostess and her daughter, she is a pharmacist in the Buea area, she's a great person!

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