Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 91

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wow today was so busy in the clinic. I think we saw close to 20 patients today. Trixy was in a meeting for the first hour or so, so we just decided to get started. We got started and throughout the day I probably say about 6 people by myself.

I saw an old lady that had itches all over her body, so we checked for filaria, but that came back negative. I saw another little girl with malaria and her brother had a slightly large liver, but not past the costal range. I saw another lady with “worm like” crawling all over her body, so I told her to get tested for filaria and she was certain she didn’t have filaria. When we got the results back, guess what she had…filaria.
Trixy and I were examining another patient and I was palpating her stomach and I felt something hard, harder than the normal stomach, so I asked Trixy about it and sure enough she had a superpubic mass. Those were most of the patients that I remember seeing today, but today was so busy.

After work I washed my sheets and then went to go to get my pants, still weren’t done. Then they came back to the health centre looking for me, which was weird, but he wanted to measure my legs to see where he needed to make the pants. Sarah and I made some popcorn and brought down eggs to Bill and Trixy’s. We also had some lemon bars that Sarah made. We ate dinner all together, and then we were all on our computers hanging out the rest of the evening. Then we came up and I called it a night.

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