Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 10

Sabbath, October 15, 2011

Well, didn’t sleep too well last night because the rain was coming down so hard. It poured down rain almost all night long and with these tin roofs it sounds 20 times louder than it really is. We finally woke up and got ready to head to church. We were planning on walking to church, but decided that wasn’t the best idea because of how hard it was raining so we chose to drive, so we rode with Bill and Trixy. It was super hard to hear in the church because of the rain, but it eventually cut back a bit. The little kids did the church service today and it was so cute, they did a great job!
After church, we were all invited to Bill and Trixys, so we had leftovers along with some spaghetti; it all turned our really good. We then took personality tests visited with them, and decided it was time to take a nap. After my nap I skyped my best friend Lizzy for forever and then decided to call it a night. It was a great Sabbath besides being cold all day long, other than that it was restful! Happy Sabbath everyone!
 Well today was market day in Great Soppo, but it still went on even with the rain pouring down!

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad we got to skype that day! we skyped for such a long freakin time! didn't feel like it tho! ^_^ miss you!
