Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 7

Well today was a good learning experience. I worked in the clinic until 11 or so and then we set out to get our passports stamped by the immigrations office where there were police everywhere with loaded guns. We then stopped by the white man store just to take a look.  However, our main goal was to find a stove and a gas tank for it, which we found but had to go back to get later.
Since Bill and I are the only coffee drinkers we stopped by Total the gas station and got a coffee for 250 francs which is about 50 cents, not a bad deal. When were then getting hungry so we stopped at a little hole in the wall and had a spaghetti omelet, it was quite tasty. And this only cost 300 francs, again like 90 cents. After eating we returned to the hospital.

This is where we at the spaghetti omelets and below is the spaghetti omelet, yes interesting, but it was good! haha

We then went down to the clinic where there was not much to do, but we had a nice long chat with Trixy asking her several questions, which my guess was overwhelming because I ask A LOT of questions! We then took Jordan the dog for a walk and bought some bananas. I then went and ate a little something then went to church for the Wednesday evening meeting. After the meeting I cam back and had a chance to Skype my best friend in the world and we had a nice little chat! Hopefully I will get to Skype my parents soon because I miss them so much, but they are traveling so it would be hard to Skype…plus internet connection here is very different from the States, one person Skyping at a time and it is overloaded. Anyways its time to call it a night., goodnight world. And I also just want to thank everyone for all the support and prayers! God is so amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting omelet. Praise the Lord that you have your luggage. What an experience. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs.
