Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 22

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Well I have finally caught up with my blog. However, I have not caught up on my own journaling, so this is my journal for now. So today was again a little bit slow. We did several breathing treatments and a few consults. This morning we even tried to do an ultrasound on Milo the cat because she was getting so fat! That didn’t work very well because she had too much hair!
It was exciting today because I got to do my first blood draw! Got in on the first try, so that was good, and like I said super exciting! The clinic was super busy this morning with all of the pregnant women coming in for ultrasounds, so Trixy and the residences were super busy with that!
Today I had top ramen for lunch and it was so amazing! After lunch when I got back to the clinic, I saw one patient with Trixy. Then Mary and I went out and played with Teclaires hair. We spiked it and did all sorts of things with it, it was quite fun. Then after work I helped tutor a little boy in math. That was so much fun and the little guy was so cute! I hope to help more with tutoring because it was really neat being able to help them out. After I was done tutoring, we had a little bible study.
I then went back to the room and was spoiled by a hot shower. We finally got hot water in our room. Ever since Monday we didn’t even have hot water across the hall, but now we officially have hot water in our room and we don’t have to go across the hall to take a hot shower. I must admit were pretty spoiled with the hot water!
Tonight we went to dinner at the Capitol Residence Hotel. It was really good food, and it always fun to go out with everyone; it was Bill and 7 of us girls! After dinner we went and enjoyed some ice cream at Lina’s. We then came back hung out and went to bed.
The spaghetti with crime (cream) at the hotel that we ate dinner at. It was good minus the little bug that was in it! haha oh Africa!

Ice cream #2 at Lina's however this one was strawberry instead of chocolate...but similar taste, but good!

Bill and Mary enjoying their ice cream!

Monica one of the residences enjoying her ice cream!

 And some of us girls at Lina's with our ice enjoying the night out.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it sounds like you have found some good places to eat in Buea! Ice cream seems to be tops!!!
