Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 23

Friday, October 28, 2011

I can’t believe today if Friday already, where did the time go? Well today Bill, Tabby and Mary left for Douala and Trixy wasn’t feeling well, so it was just the two interns and Sarah and I along with Christane for medical staff. However, Trixy was there most of the morning helping out with all of the questions that everyone had. We saw a little boy who was super sick, not only with a cough, but he also had a really high fever. I told the intern doctor that we should probably do a malaria test on him…and guess what it came back positive; he had malaria, which made me feel pretty good about myself. We then saw a patient and did an ultrasound on her, I was in the room so I asked tons of questions and learned a lot. It was super interesting, and each time I can identify some of the things that we look for in a pregnancy. We also had a guy who had hepatitis B and we found that he had an enlarged liver, so Monica taught me how to feel for it and what it felt like, I had never felt out before. After that examination I had tons of questions so Monica went over exams and what it each quadrate of the abdominal divided. I learned a lot from her and it was really exciting.
After work Monica, Nadia, Sarah and myself went and got some spaghetti omelets. It was super good, but I was sooo full after eating there! We came back and sat down and feel asleep for about an hour. We were going to head up to the bank with the other girls but then went to the governor’s house because someone was really sick. So Sarah and I trucked it up the hill about 2.5 miles to the bank. It was exhausting but we made it. On the way down we stopped at Clerk’s quarters and got chocolate filled bread, quite good. As we were headed back to the hospital someone grabbed me from a taxi and I was like “what the heck!?”, haha it was Prosper, he is the accountant at the hospital!
My soda balancing skills at the spaghetti omelet place!

A sweet old bus I saw on the way down the hill, looks like it quit working here and this is now where it sits.

Our well deserved ice cream after walking to the bank, it even matches my shirt today!
When we got back we hung out and then went down to Trixy’s. We had popcorn and frozen bananas and watched a The Island with everyone. It started to rain, which made me feel slightly uneasy, but it stopped after about 15 minutes. After the movie we left, I Skyped a little bit and then headed to bed.

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